Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pregnancy perfection

Seriously though...I thought I'd be blogging everyday about the trials and tribulations of being pregnant, but so far all there is to say is "thank you". Thank you because I'm grateful with how wonderful my pregnancy has been and continues to be. Needless to say I haven't blogged much at all.

I have no real discomfort, a little back pain every now and then, but I suffered with chronic back pain for years and this is really nothing. I've had no gastro issues, I may have felt a little off and cake never sat well in my first trimester, but morning sickness isn't part of my vocabulary. Neither has any horrendous indigestion hit in this my second trimester.

It's been an overly hot summer, plus we went to the Dominican Repulic for a week so my fingers have been a little swollen occasionally, but I am still wearing my rings, I make sure to drink extra water on those days. And other than some anxiety about all of the myths surrounding pregnancy, after my initial "avoid everything" stance, I am following the rule of moderation and not allowing myself to stress about every little thing.

All of our tests have been good. The baby's heartbeat is healthy and strong and it is developing perfectly. My Rh negative blood type isn't even worrying me as it isn't even considered a complication.

I am thoroughly enjoying being pregnant. Yes, I allow my husband to do a lot for me, but to me that's a benefit of growing a person.

I've been feeling kicks now for about 3 weeks, although muted with my front lying placenta, and I love every little flip flop and wiggle. I look forward to more signs of life and personality from inside. Ian has also felt a few that can be felt both inside and out which is awesome to get to share with him this early on.

I am proud of the little bump I am sporting and although I joke about being "fat" I do know that this bump and the associated weight gain is all a part of this beautiful process.

Mostly I am very aware that not all pregnancies are as easy as mine, although they are all beautiful. I am grateful that I am able to enjoy and flourish in this pregnancy and feel so full of the love and happiness of growing this little person who we won't meet for another couple of months, while also feeling wonderful and healthy.

I know that when this child is born our lives will change, but only for the better. Our love will continue to grow for this tiny little being as they become what they are meant to be as we guide them through life.

I am very excited for the next steps, but I am loving every minute of this process and I am trying to enjoy and remember every minute of these wonderful days :)


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