Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Once more with feeling

I’ve been doing a lot of the Buffy/Angel watching. It’s a great escape. A friend that I met in October got me hooked on Buffy and Angel. He talked about it quite a bit and then showed me The Musical episode and I was hooked (I also played a little on Xbox…might have to buy my own).

I started with Season 1 (at the end of October) on DVD, then took on Angel watching as well, during Season 4 of Buffy watching. I watch 2 disks of one and then 2 of the other, which doesn’t always work perfectly…but it’s not bad. Since this Saturday I’ve watched 15 episodes of Buffy and 8 episodes of Angel, and am picking up another 8 of Angel after work today. I’m mid-way through Season 5 of Buffy and Season 2 of Angel. AWESOME stuff!!! I highly recommend either and/or both of these shows. They might be considered flightly, but I love the writing, the action is fun…and well, it’s just pure entertainment in my book.


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