Inner Mean Girl Cleanse - The Gossip - GG (Gabby Gabby)
Yesterday I finally had a chance to listen to the Launch Call from earlier in the week and got a LOT of great stuff to work with and work on. I had a great journaling moment between myself and what I recognized as one of my IMGs (Inner Mean Girls). Her name is Apologizing Excusing Ingrid. I might blog about her and my experience journaling with her later. It's pretty personal and I'm not sure if I'm willing to share it just yet.
This week's focus is Giving up Gossip and focus on Good Talk. I thought EASY-PEASY! I have been speaking the affirmation "Today I speak only from my heart. I leave gossip and toxic words behind. I truly speak only from my heart." every morning and sometimes throughout the day. I was feeling very positive about this.
In listening to the call I've learned about how to deal with my IMGs through the three As, Awareness, Attention and Allowing. When I met IMG Ingrid yesterday I flew through all three As right away and was really able to deal with her immediately. She's an IMG that I've been aware of for awhile (I just didn't know who she was or how to deal with her before). We opened the conversation and I feel very good about where we left off.
However, my gossip...Gabby Gabby (GG for short)...I have only become aware of her, and am I EVER aware of her. I didn't realize how much talking GG wants to do...ALL the time. I think the problem is that I added "and think" after speak to the affirmation. Adding the "and think" has made me realize it's not just GG I'm dealing with and is why I'm not able to follow through with the other 2 As at the moment. Because I've managed to self-sabotage. In my awareness of GG I also met Judging Julie (JJ) and realized that she is a VERY power IMG. I judge ALL the time. I'm an IMG gossip even when no one is around. In discovering both these IMGs I feel horrible about how judging/gossipy I am.
I have a feeling that this is just that awareness has put a magnifying glass on, again, something I was loosely aware I was doing, but didn't realize to what an extent.
It was easy on the first day of the cleanse, because I wasn't out and's easy not to gossip when you don't have cable and there's no one around with whom to gossip. But back at work, especially after a whole summer...there was a little, but it wasn't too difficult. However, while out socially last night, not even with my own peer group, but with my mother and her friends, I was right in there, with two feet. It's like being mired in thick black tar. At first I didn't even realize it, and then by the time I was right in it I supposed that's what I was doing. However, a couple of glasses of wine, and I justified it...well, it's not MY friends I'm talking about.
So now that I'm definitely in a place of awareness, I'm going to take out the "and think"...that's adding too much for me to actually deal with the initial problem...and that's just being part of the verbal communication of gossip. I think by minimizing it to just words (instead of my inner chatter as well) I will be able to deal with it a little easier. I can work on the inner stuff at a later time when I'm in a better place with GG. Because GG is just one girl...Judging Julie (JJ)...she gives GG lots to work with (not that GG needs any help).
Giving my IMGs names and faces (you should see my drawing of Ingrid) is really helping me to identify them and work with them.
If you're looking for a new Self-Work project...I highly recommend signing up and starting this 40 day Inner Mean Girl cleanse. It's pretty interesting and amazing stuff. :)
Labels: IMG Inner Mean Girl Gossip