Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Why do we do the things we do? Why do we make the choices we make?

Why is it harder to -not- eat the chocolate ice cream? We want to eat it but we want to be thin. Is our desire for the chocolate that much stronger than the desire to be thin? Or is it something else? Do we enjoy doing things that lead us astray from our goals or is it simply easier to chose the fun things? Does the fun and enjoyment outweigh everything else no matter the consequences?

We drink, we the the wrong foods, we say out late, we have sex, we don't exercise. We all do all of these all the time. Sometimes we can be responsible. But there is always something in our lives that we know we shouldn't do, or something we know we -should- do more. And yet we don't listen to that little voice. Worse than ignore him, we actually hear him and then push him out of the way for the shiney little thing we want. How is that colourful, sparkly thing so much stronger? Why do we give it the strength to overrule what we know is the right, the good, the healthy?

Are we lazy, choosing the easier for the fun? Or are we afraid? Are we afraid to try? Afraid of what will happen if we try. What is so bad about trying? Is failure that frightening? Is it easier to make things worse than to attempt to make them better? Do we disagree that "...it is better to have love and lost, than never to have loved at all..."? Are we afraid that it is not better? That if you don't know how great it could be, you're no really missing out.

If you had the choice of one day of utter and complete perfectionn and happiness in ever possible way...and then nothing after that, the end OR a life of struggle and hurt and imperfections for a chance at that same complete perfection and happiness someday? Which would you choose?

Most of us would say, if asked right now, the life, the struggle, the hardship. But when faced withthe same question in our daily lives, we seem to choose the easy way, the fun way. but what we fail to realize is that the way isn't.

Everything we have inour lives is what we make of it. If it feels difficult or should be difficult, we don't look at any other possibilities. We don't assume that we ourselves are making it worse, just in the way we look at the situation, at the way we approach it, fear it.

We need to stop being afraid and start being excited. Excited for the hard, the struggle and looking at the journey, the lessons and the rewards.

Accept happiness and joy in your life. The workout can make you feel just as good as the ice cream...and actually better. The ice cream only tastes good while you're eating it, the workout lasts a lot longer.

Don't rush, don't always take the shortcut, don't see if you can get there the fastest. See how much you can learn and don't worry about anyone else's results compared to your own. It is your journery, your path, your life.


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