Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Good-bye blue skies

Well, with my mother and sister in tow…I went to Jacob on Sunday afternoon. The lovely blue jacket that I had bought and stressed over, had a loose button. If I’m going to fork out any kind of cash for something nice and decent I want it in good shape to start with, because goodness knows it won’t last all that long in my care. So I was going to exchange it for a new one.

My sister was already angry with me, as I did not include her on my fashion jury email. Her opinion was if you like the green get the green. And why not try on the pink. I explained the overdose of pink in my wardrobe and she said…SO? If you like it and it looks good on you then you should buy it.

So we get to the store and now Mom and Sis want their opinions heard and want to see everything on. We try on the blue again. The blue was much lighter in colour than I had originally thought. When I tried it on in the store the lighting was very warm. However, at home under natural light it was a very pale blue, which seemed to wash me out. At the store we then tried on the green. It was a stronger colour than the blue. Mom and Sis agreed that this was much better. Then my sister came back with the pink coat in hand. I told her I wasn’t going to try it on because then I’d want it. My sister does not take no for an answer and sure enough with the pink jacket on, I felt gorgeous. Mom and Sis said this is the one I should get, and then the salesgirl came up and said, the pink brings out the rosy in your cheeks. Well….sold!

I am no the proud owner of a lovely pink jacket (yay). And to celebrate my happiness I bought a cute off-white hat and purse to go with it. Loves it!

So, just as in -everything- else that I do…I ask for advice and opinion of others and try to follow their suggestions and choices but in the end I do whatever the heck I want.

But I did learn a great thing about shopping this week…Take Your Time. I am a rush purchaser…and you don’t need to be. I need to spend more time looking, thinking and trying on. Then look, think, and try on again. If I’m going to properly invest in clothes, these are things that I need to do.


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