And now for something completely different...
Anyways...(gawd I love that word...), speaking of words I love, I've got to stop overusing some Nerds...there are still words that I will overuse...but the ones I think I need to start working on using less (no I'll never get rid of any words)...are sketchy, actually, anyways, hmmmm? I can't think of any other's at the moment. I'll put more down here as I think of them.
I should also consider getting rid of the "..." but I love the dot dot dots! They're great for the movement of my thoughts.
Well, I've signed up for the Tantra Level 1 course and I'm looking forward to it. I had wanted to do the 4 day weekend retreat but it was twice the cost of the regular course. Pros - it was 4 days, on a weekend, out of the city. But it might be quite intense all at the same time like that, I think I need more time to download the information and the cost was too much for me to consider. However, it is offered broken down on Thursday nights throughout the summer. The downside to this, the only downside was the Thursday night thing. I love Thursday nights in the city, out with the office crew partying it up. Very social...BUT...I realize that if I want to do this course I'm going to have to sacrifice something...either my social Thursday nights or money. Thursday nights it is :) I got a lot out of the intro course and am looking forward to the Level 1.
My trip to England is quickly approaching. I leave the office next Wednesday at noon, but the plane doesn't take off until 4pm. I've got some loose structure as to what I'm going to do that week...but nothing really set in stone yet. I'm not overly excited...but I know it's going to be a blast and it'll be great to have a holiday.
Wow...I'm hungry. We're getting pizza for lunch at the office today and I need food now. I've stopped having my morning banana (due to sheer laziness)...and I think it's affecting my energy level. I guess it's back to the banana again (sing that to the tune of Back in the Saddle by Aerosmith).
It appears that it might be a long slow day I might just post again later. You know...make up for the past 6 days of leaving you in the dark.
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