Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

England 2005 - Chapter 3

Saturday, May 21, 2005 - 11pm

I have reached my final destination of this leg of my journey at 2:10pm today.

As I come out of the train and walk through the station I am scanning the people for a familiar face. There he is, and boy does he look like my father. I've said it out loud. Wow, I've never seen that resemblance between this uncle and my father before, as I stare into his face curiously. "Wait until you see Uncle S", he says.

It's more than just Uncle A's face, it's something in the voice. I hear it in Uncle S's voice as well. I can hear my father's voice, I can hear my father's accent. The accent that I am never able to hear...that's it. I feel very much at home.

What a wonderful afternoon. Still feeling like a little kid, but being treated like the adult I am, although sometimes I think I'm still acting like the little kid I feel.

Hearing stories I have never been told before. I was taken by Aunt N to get my hair cut at no more than 4 years old. In my shrill little childish voice I rambled-on ad-nauseum for 45 minutes about nothing, while the whole salon did nothing but listen to me. Apparently little has changed in 24 years.

What marvellous meals! A ploughman's style lunch of soup, cheeses, breads, crackers & pate. My FAVOURITES! With a lgass of white wine a perfect compliment. Afternoon tea was served with a slice of an apple-raisen cake with a shortbread base and whipped cream. We had a glass of champagne before dinner, not sparkling...but rather real champagne. And dinner was lovely with a beef stew and lots of veg and potatoes. A glass of red complimenting here.

It is nice to sit and have a seemingly light and uncomplicated meal that fills you up to perfect contentment. Not too little, not too much. And to watch my uncles and see my father all afternoon, the whole thing was relaxing, comfortable and fascinating.

After lunch we struck out for a walk. A light rain looked threatening, but walk we did. The drizzle then began, umbrellas up. Then just as we reached the half way point, the rain came down harder and we hid under a tree as lightening filled the sky (yes, we realized how silly it was to be standing under a tree) and a crash of thunder made us jump. As it let up a bit, we tried to walk some more to get home before the storm really opened up. It was too late, the sky poured down on us, the rain coming down in droves. The new tree where we had paused again was no longer much protection and neither were the umbrellas that were spreading more water around than sheltering us. What an absolute downpour, the sewers couldn't keep up. And a very wet walk home ensured. By our return to the house my pants were drenched from the knees down, thank goodness my coat was nice and long. And as fate will have it the sun was shining before we unlocked the front door.

My vacation - I went to England. It rained.

Cups of Tea - 3


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