Just beyond the shadow of a doubt

This blog was created for me to put my musings down in written form, and maybe help others make choices through lessons that I have learned. Sometimes I just use it to get the words out of my head, or figure out something, or just because I want to.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

England 2005 - Prelude

Friday, May 20, 2005 - 3pm

Can you feel the effects of time? Can you actually feel the minutes slip by? It's been heard said many times "it feels like this is taking forever". An over exaggeration surely, but we've all said it at one point or another. The other is "time flies when you're having fun." It's as though we don't get enough of the good times but way too much of the bad times.

So what got me off on this tangent?

This morning I came into work and I'd been rushing around to get some stuff done, as I was leaving for my trip, from work at noon, and wanted to be organized. As I got to the office I stopped to speak to the receptionist to say good morning. She mentioned that one of my brokers had called and was wondering where I was. The urgency with which she delivered this message caught me off guard. Wow, I wasn't all -that- late. No later than usual at least. So I asked the receptionist what time was it? Having left my cellphone at home, I didn't have a time piece with me. She informed me that it was 9:45am.

At that point I felt as thought I'd fallen into a wormhole of sorts. Like time had quickly hit fast forward. I was more than an hour late for work! How did that happen? Was my clock radio fast? Had I screwed up setting it the night before? Is that why it had been so easy to get up this morning, because it was an hour later? NO! I'm sure I looked at other clocks in the apartment, hadn't I? And the morning radio show, they had all be the same as yesterday; 6:30 Stump the Chump, 7:30 the entertainment gossip, 8:00 the entertainment gossip follow up. What was going on? How long -was- that streetcar ride?

"WHAT!?!" I asked, "Oh sorry, I meant 8:45am" she replied.

And then I had to regroup, to jump back. No, everything was fine. My clock was not wrong. There was nothing to worry about. I hadn't lost an hour somewhere this morning. All was fine.

And yet, for the next few minutes, I was still feeling the effects of my time travel and would for the rest of the week as I would spend hours enroute in the air, on the train, changing times zones and correcting my internal clock to another sense of time. Then to try and correct it all back again. I've been travelling, but I've been travelling through time and back again.


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