So I manage to sleep soundly through what would have been a fairly loud notification that I received a message…with a loud voice and vibrating and such, the cell phone right next to my head. No recollection what so ever that it had been received. Then at bizarre intervals the phone would beep. I have a memory of hearing it beep at least once and registering what was making the beeping noise, but being so fast asleep it didn’t matter. Then at 4am, realizing that my phone had beeped at me again, and I guess not being in a deep enough slumber any more, I woke up to investigate the situation.
Aha…a text, well I had better check it out. Hmmm…received at midnight, which means I’ve slept through 4 hours of beeping…I wonder how often my phone had been beeping? Why didn’t I wake up before this? What made me wake up this time and for such an inconsequential beep, as compared to the noise it would have made when the text was received. Uh oh…now I’ve gone and done it. It’s happened.
I have let my brain ask one too many questions and now it’s functioning. It thinks that it’s time to wake up. It’s ticking away at full morning mode, but it’s only 4:30am. Where my roll-over-and-go-back-to-sleep switch? Nowhere to be found. Well might as well get up to pee now. Nothing worse than trying to fall asleep, or stay asleep when you have to go.
Much better.
Hmmmmm? Brain still clocking.
Is it too hot in here? Turn on the fan.
Brain thinking, maybe we should answer the text. That’s the polite thing to do right? NO…not at 4:30am silly. That would be an extremely rude thing to do…oh, but so many witty replies in my head…so many ideas. Okay, then type a couple up and save them and send one later.
Hmmmm? Not so witty as they seemed in my head. Leave it alone.
Tummy feels uneasy. Does it hurt or is it hungry?
Maybe some water. I’m felling a little dehydrated anyways. Back to bed. Nope, tummy still feeling strange. Not sore, just weird. What did I eat last night? It was a weird mix of food, that might be it.
Are you even going to attempt to fall asleep? You know you’re going to be pooped tomorrow. No? You’re wide awake, why bother right? Maybe you’re not as awake as you think you are.
Uh oh…5am now.
See now, grabbing the pen and paper wasn’t such a good idea, not only hasn’t it shut the talking head up, it’s given it a life of it’s own, lying here in the dark, scribbling away.
Hey, how all over the paper is this going to be? How well can I write in the dark? Cool, let’s check it out.
NO, No, no…no light…come on.
You HAVE to go back to sleep. You won’t be able to function. We have an hour and a half until the alarm, and then a half hour of snooze button comedy. If you stay up what are you going to do for the next two hours?
Shower? Now? Are you crazy?
Sleep, please sleep. We’ll even reset the alarm for 7am. No snoozing just a solid extra uninterrupted hour of sleep.
But we’re not tired.
Yes you are. You only think you’re not tired. Stop writing, shut your darn eyes and try, you’ll see.
But it’s so hot, and…does it smell funny in here to you?
No, now you’re imagining things.
See what the sleep depravation is doing to you? You’re really not tired are you?
Okay, it will be meditation time or at least the attempt at it. At least it’s relaxing, maybe even a little restful, like sleep.
But why waste that time when we’re already awake?
Sleep, sleep, please sleep. This is going to get painful at some point during the day and you’re going to kick yourself, you know you will.
Okay, put the pen down and get your kinks out and try to sleep. If the clock his 5:30 cry out in sheer frustration and then get in the bloody shower. If not, enjoy your sleep and watch me do the I-told-you-so dance in your dreams.
You can do it, you know you want to. And don’t stay away just to prove that you’re right, that you CAN’T sleep. You’re only hurting yourself
Okay, I’ll try…but I still feel weird…maybe it wasn’t the phone that woke me up, maybe it WAS the tummy.
Shut up, please?
Okay, I’m shutting; I’m shutting, but let’s shut up together and make this work…okay?
Good night…
Good morning… ;)